Journal of Sustainable Transformation 2024-06-18T09:47:04+07:00 jsustaintrasform [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal of Sustainable Transformation</strong></p> <p>This Journal is published by Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Kalimantan Timur (UNU Kaltim), established in 2022. The Journal published articles within<strong> the scope</strong> of the science, technology, social, humanities and other relevant fields that publish an original research which is published twice a year in October and April. Article in Indonesian and english language. </p> IMPLEMENTASI METODE BERCERITA MENGGUNAKAN CERITA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN BAHASA RESEPTIF ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TK ISLMIC CENTER SAMARINDA 2024-04-24T11:14:39+07:00 Siti Yomi Rohmah [email protected] Heppy Liana [email protected] Lailatul Hidayah [email protected] <p><em>Language skills in re</em><em>c</em><em>eptive children have been developed from </em><em>an </em><em>early through various methods of learning by telling stories. This study aimed to determine the implementation of tell</em><em>ing stories </em><em>methods </em><em>using </em><em>the story</em><em> of</em><em> Uut &amp; Uti as well as</em> <em>the development</em> <em>of the language-receptive children aged 5-6 years in the kindergarten Islamic Center Samarinda. This research was </em><em>qualitative</em><em> research with the subject of research being six students aged 5-6 years in the level of kindergartens. Collecting data </em><em>was </em><em>carried out using observation,</em> <em>interview, and documentation. </em><em>The </em><em>Analysis technique used Milles and Huberman's</em> <em>analysis</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>The result was </em><em>delivered</em><em> by </em><em>using the </em><em>props</em><em>. The steps of this result were to set </em><em>children's </em><em>preparation </em><em>in receiving the story, set a seat position </em><em>of </em><em>child</em><em>ren,</em> <em>tell </em><em>the introduction of the story </em><em>and the</em><em> characters in the story, and </em><em>deliver the contents using children's language clearly and fluently, at the end of the story, the teacher asked questions. The result shows that the ability of receptive language in the range of 5-6 years improved well in giving attention, understanding the command and the contents of the story then also retelling the story.</em></p> 2024-04-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kartika_01 fajriani, Heppy Liana, Lailatul Hidayah, Siti Yomi Rohmah STRATEGI PRODUKSI PROGRAM TALKSHOW UMPAT BETAKUN DI SALURAN DAKWAH ISLAMIC CENTER KALIMANTAN TIMUR DALAM MENYAJIKAN PESAN KOMUNIKASI 2024-03-12T20:31:25+07:00 Rudi Mulyadi [email protected] <p><em>This study was conducted to find out how the stages of the talk show program production process on the Islamic Center Dakwah Channel in East Kalimantan in presenting communication messages and how the strategy for planning and presenting the talk show program production on the Dakwah Islamic Center East Kalimantan Channel in presenting communication messages.</em></p> <p><em>This</em> <em>research was descriptive and qualitative</em><em> using </em><em>analytical techniques from Miles and Huberman. The research location was</em> <em>the East Kalimantan Islamic Da'wah Channel Television Station. Data collection was done by observing, interviewing, and documentation. Informants in this study were three people consisting of producers as well as program directors, presenters, and Master Control Room (MCR) of the Umpat Betakun TV Channel Dakwah Islamic Center East Kalimantan.</em></p> <p><em>Th</em><em>e results of the study</em> <em>were shown the production stage carried out in the Umpat Betakun program went through three stages, namely Pre- Production which was the initial stage of the entire series of production processes for the Umpat Betakun program, Production was the ongoing stage of production for the Umpat Betakun program, Post-Production was the final stage in the form of evaluation between event directors and production team. As the program planning strategies, such as determining themes, determining broadcast times, and utilizing social media to promote the program and in the presentation strategy</em><em>,</em><em> the Umpat Betakun program was made as relaxed as possible between the resource person and the presenter. The talk</em> <em>show is presented with a deep interactive feel and provides opportunities for viewers at home or the public to participate in interactive dialogue through comments on YouTube live broadcasts or sending messages via WhatsApp chat.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rudi MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SENTRA MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PADA BASIS SENTRA DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KEMAMPUAN BERBAHASA ANAK USIA DINI DI KB DAN TK ISLAMIC CENTER SAMARINDA 2024-05-07T06:47:20+07:00 Lailatul Hidayah [email protected] <p>The purposes of this research were to describe the design of learning models on a central base in developing expressive language skills, describe the implementation of the learning model on a center base in developing expressive language skills, describe the development of early childhood expressive language skills in KB and Kindergarten Islamic Center Samarinda. The research method used a qualitative approach, and the type of research used a case study. The research respondents were educators and students. The data were collected by interview, observation, and documentation. The data collected was then analyzed by reduction, presentation, and verification. Checking the trustworthiness of the data in this study was carried out by testing the validity of the data. Extending participation, triangulation, and peer discussion was pursued to obtain guaranteed credibility data while confirming ability was done with research results associated with the research process, triangulation, and data sources. The research results showed that learning design on a central base, implementation of learning models on a central base, and development of children's expressive language skills had significantly changed, and an improvement in expressive language skills.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 lailatul hidayah A Analysis Of The Supply And Distribution Of Islamic Public Assets From a Spiritual Management Perspective 2024-06-18T09:47:04+07:00 Diyaa Aaisyah Salmaa Putri Atmaja [email protected] Purbawati Purbawati [email protected] Ida Rosanti [email protected] <p><em>This research intends to uncover, explain and analyze the concept of Islamic thought from Sheikh Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani regarding the provision and distribution of public finances in Baitul Maal by taking the perspective of heavenly management. The research results reveal that Sheikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani's concept of supply and distribution management of public finances in Baitul Maal is essentially a revenue and expenditure concept that reflects the income and expenditure allocation of the caliphate state in accordance with the principles of Islamic religious law. General analysis shows that the concept of Baitul Maal in the thoughts of Sheikh Taqiyuudin An-Nabhani explains that Baitul Maal manages community assets on a state scale and emphasizes the role of Islamic political riayah 'ala syu'unil ummat (management of the affairs of the people) by dawlah and imam/caliph. Meanwhile, formal object analysis shows that the concept of Baitul Maal in the thoughts of Sheikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani contains values that fulfill the realm of Life is Place of Wealth as a domain in celestial/spiritual management.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Diyaa Aaisyah Salmaa Putri Atmaja, Purbawati, Ida Rosanti PENGUKURAN KADAR FLAVONOID TOTAL EKSTRAK ETANOL & FRAKSI ETIL ASETAT DAUN JERUK PURUT (Citrus hystrix DC) DENGAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-VIS 2024-06-13T16:00:05+07:00 Dewa Rizky Saputra [email protected] Rika Melati [email protected] Umul Karimah [email protected] <p><em>This study measured the total flavonoid content of 70% ethanol extract and the ethyl acetate fraction of kaffir lime leaves (Citrus hystrix </em>DC<em>). The purpose of this study was to measure the total flavonoid content of the 70% ethanol extract and the ethyl acetate fraction of kaffir lime leaves (Citrus hystrix DC). Extraction of the chemical content of kaffir lime leaves (Citrus hystrix </em>DC<em>) was carried out by maceration and remaceration extraction processes using ethanol and to measure the metabolite compounds. flavonoids in total and separate other metabolites by a fractionation process,). Measurement of total flavonoid content of ethanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The results showed that the total flavonoid content of kaffir lime leaves (Citrus </em>DC<em>hystrix </em>DC<em>) from the ethanol extract contained a total flavonoid content of 14,380 mgQE/g and the ethyl acetate fraction contained a total flavonoid content of 44,287 mgQE/g.</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dewa Rizky Saputra, Rika Melati, Umul Karimah